June 15, 2006

in 15 words

Why my dad means the world to me...

He epitomises earth itself; ocean deep knowledge, forever green humour and the omnipotence of air.
when faced with the challenge of expressing 20 years of accumalated feelings for a person, it does take over excitation of brain cells to be able to sum it all up in 15 words. just 15 words to explain the immensely deep, indescribable reasons behind the love felt for one's father. to me pictures explain a thousand or even an infinity of words.

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he finds joy in the simple things...food, gardening, flowers, beaches, holidays and of course in his family. wat else can i say....i love him for who he is, for being there for me when i needed him the most, for being my father; my daddy. i still can remember the mug my mum, sis and i got him for one of the many father's day we have celebrated. on it was written 'the best dad in the world'. i remember reading out tht line during dinner one day...i was pretty young then...it brought a tear to his eye. tht moment will forever be ecthed into my memory. a tear of love, pride, joy from a father is priceless.

happy father's day dad!


idril elensar said...

how apt and true! bet dad will do his *blink, blink* thing when i let him read this haha...

S@iGoN said...

haha..i bet so too. make sure he reads it. then tell me whether he does his 'blink' 'blink' thing.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »

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