March 16, 2005

have u ever

have u ever felt that everything just seemed to be perfect..but then truth hits u in the face and u realise how foolish u've foolishly hopeful. it's a phase in life everyone experiences i guess but damn reality sucks! not all of it, mind you, just the bits in life which would or could have made it a whole lot better. it's these fragments of reality which really make a difference in how u view ur life, how u handle ur life, how u cope with life. without them..the world just seems to be a mundane one...a routine...predictable, certain, safe. i need something or someone to give me the adrenalin rush i so long for! to give me the necessary push in push my will power to its limit. i need it to spark the flittering flame in me, to make me radiate with life, to make me live! after all i have the guts to face this source of life? am i adventurous enough to move out of my comfort zone? do i have the courage? bravery and a bit of rebellion is needed. can i afford to rebel?

ok...that was just random thoughts just flowing through my head at this hour of the night... just needed to type them a proof of my 'profound' mind. hopeless at it. until my next update...i'm swept up.